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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Poker, poker, poker!

Have you ever dreamed of making "easy money?" OF COURSE you have! Haven't we all? I mean, work IS a four-letter word, and most of us find ourselves in less-than-optimal careers (although I have FINALLY found something I enjoy). Well, have you considered poker? Online play now makes poker available 24/7, and is one of the most explosive new "industries" in the world. However, you better have plenty of cash, patience, and support from those around you if you want to even dabble in this adventure.
I started playing at a local home game back in 2004. I started playing serious poker in 2007. When I say serious, I mean I've played over 1 million hands in the last 4 years alone! Most of the hands have been late in the evening after everyone has gone to bed, with the exception of a handful of casino visits as I travel for work. I've watched my online poker ranking grow, and there is no doubt, it takes many, many hands to even get an idea of the vast array of intricacies and details that goes into each and every hand played. This is precisely what makes poker such an interesting game. It's ridiculous how intriguing it becomes as you learn strategies moving forward. More on strategies later.
You must first realize though, playing poker can, and does have addictive attributes. The first time you take $25 cash and turn it into over $800 in less than two hours, you can't help but get a bit excited. Understand though that when you do this, you aren't playing the level of poker that will gain you consistent cash over a long period of time, which
An image of a person playing the poker varient...Image via Wikipedia
is the ONLY way you will ever MAKE money playing poker. So, again, if it's recreational only, then have fun. However, if you care to accumulate cash, don't be a fool!
I enjoy poker, and the thrill of learning and getting better over time, and so can you. Just start low and slow, and see how you do. If you care to learn more, feel free to reach out to me. I still have a LONG way to go, but I'm several years into the process and there is no doubt I've seen almost every conceivable bad beat that can be laid. So play wise. Here's to protecting your chips, and gaining more!

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