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Monday, August 23, 2010

Time to Shape Up Fat Boy!

BBC_4927Image by sinterbear via Flickr So I haven't paid much to the television show Family Guy...ever...until now. With the beauty of DVR, I now how enough episodes to take up approximately 76% of my available space. Do you realize how well written that show actually is? I mean, you can't have any kids around when you watch the show - I'm not even sure you should have young adults under 21 watching that show - But, it is funny!

Well, let's get straight to the point, minus any political correctness (you can thank the most recent episode of Family Guy I just watched for that). This country is getting ridiculously FAT! No, not "phat" as in an adjective describing something cool. I'm talking about freaking over-sized, super-sized, value-sized, plus-sized, huge-sized, uber-sized, nasty freaking FAT! There is something horrifically wrong with the FDA and their Food Pyramid with recommendations of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. What a crock of...well...FAT! And before you get all emotional on me and cry and whine about me discussing this issue, please understand I'm guilty with the majority of the rest of the country. I am in the process of losing 50+ pounds to get back down to my fighting weight, and it is a full-on, mental/physical, emotional war! The focus you have to maintain to lose weight has to be laser. It is sooooo difficult! Did I say it is hard to do? You get my point, and if you've ever had to lose weight, then I know you feel me.

Why do I bring this up? Well, more people in this country of alleged "free speech" need to start utilizing that freedom without restraint to start pulling things back into some semblance of order. Ever read The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire? Have you ever studied that? I know I could easily rattle off over 50 items that need immediate attention, but since I am focusing this blog on self-improvement, self-awareness, and a man's journey through this life, I'm sticking to the "elephant in the room!" Get it? Holy crap, THAT was funny! I'm sticking to the "fats!"

Find a friend, Google healthy eating, join an exercise group, join a gym...for goodness sake, do SOMETHING about the out of control, non-disciplined eating problem for yourself, and teach someone else how to lose weight too. I truly feel for the women in this country that are held to such a ridiculously high standard, but us men, yeah baby, us men get to look like the guys in the picture above and get away with it! Are you freakin' kidding me? I'm saying make a CHANGE, and push yourself to the limits to get in shape! Not only will you feel better, but you will live a longer, and no doubt happier life! I bet your significant others will enjoy the benefits too!

Let me know what you're doing to get in GREAT physical condition. Take a stand in what you believe in, and do SOMETHING/ANYTHING to start improving things; Not just the obesity problem, but focus on doing what you can to improve this great country, and the world our children are going to inherit! Until next time...

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