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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Discomfort in My Daily Job

The Best of Talking HeadsImage via Wikipedia

So here I go. Once again, I change course just a bit in an attempt to fine-tune exactly what I'm going to blog about on a daily basis. First of all, I guess I better get into a routine in order to come remotely close to daily blogging. Who wants to come to a blog where there are only one or two posts every few months, right?? Exactly! So, here is my promise to write on a much more consistent basis.

Today, I talk about conversations I've had over the last couple of years with GREAT friends of mine that all feel the same way about their daily lives. What do I hear almost daily? "I HATE my job!" If I had a dollar for every time I've heard this phrase...But, is that what's really causing your "pain," or is it a slue of other variables causing grief between your ears? \

I have GREAT news! Your job is NOT the problem! It's YOU!!! In fact, when you really start to dissect what's happening between your ears, you realize there are multiple variables going on in your life at any given time that give the ILLUSION of your job being the root cause of all of your problems. Even if it's not your job you point the finger at, I guarantee you are pointing it in some direction, and in a direction where there is no mirror in front of you! At any given point in time, if you are having these negative feelings, you can put a "stop-loss" on this train of thought, and start thinking positively. You know, I used to think this was a bunch of hogwash, but there is something very real about positive affirmation, and eliminating those negative thoughts that creep up in all of our minds the second they come up. In fact, if you don't stop the negative thoughts when they creep up into your conscience, you will definitively notice your day won't improve much, and by all means, your performance will suffer greatly!

For example, my performance lately has been lackluster, and my numbers are not on my planned trajectory for calendar year success. So, I've had to consider what the cause of this could be. Well, first of all, I've been in contact with other VERY NEGATIVE people in my company over the last few weeks. These people complain if it's raining, then they complain if the sun comes out, then it's too hot, or too cold. You get the picture. While I've always considered myself an optimist, these negative conversations greatly effect not only my mood, by my overall outlook on life. It's POISON!

So, what do we do? First of all, it is absolutely imperative you surround yourself with POSITIVE PEOPLE! Shorten those conversations with the negative people. If they call you on your cell phone, greet them and then politely ask them what they need because you are on a tight time schedule. This prevents them from taking that deep-dive into negative waters. Also, when you do this a few times, most people will get the hint that something bigger is going on, and they will either stop calling you "just to chat," and/or they will start thinking about their own performance. Secondly, be VERY AWARE of your thoughts as you move through the day. The second, and I mean THE SECOND a negative thought comes into your mind, squash it! Immediately tell yourself, "I'm going to perform at MY BEST today, and there is nothing or no one that can stop me!" Remember, you don't have to worry about outperforming someone else, as long as you perform to the best of your abilities.

I know this sounds simplistic, and maybe a bit quacky to some of you, but when you follow these two simple rules, you will notice that you begin to enjoy your job again; or maybe your spouse; or, even your life in general.

Try these things, and give me feedback on your thoughts! Do you use positive affirmation in your life now? What do you tell yourself when things start to go awry? I would love to hear your thoughts! Until next time...

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  1. Great comments. I'm a firm believer in accountability and owning my results. It is easy to point the finger of blame at someone else, or circumstances, or conditions to rationalize one's failures. True leadership, great leadership is about owning the situation and taking action to defeat the negativity around us.

    One example I talk about to groups I speak to is the simple habit of not saying the word "tired". Even though I maybe physically tired, because it makes it easier to slow down, rest and give up when I know victory or accomplishment is just around the corner. My mental state continues strong and positive until I get the things done that need to be done!

  2. Outstanding comment Ces! I couldn't agree more. The more positive thoughts we put into action, the less room there is for the negative ones. One more I now avoid is saying "I'll try." For example, "I'll try to get this done." Someone diligently pointed out to me that it was Yoda from Star Wars that said, "Do, or do not, there is no try."

    Thanks for the comment Ces!
